Last update: March 15th 2022

  • The purpose of this Personal Data Protection Policy is to define the conditions under which ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS (“ ONEWORLD SPORTS APP “, “ us “) processes the personal data of Users from mobile applications (hereinafter referred to as the “ ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services “)
  • By using the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services, you understand and agree that the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services relate to sports training programs and sessions, sports and nutritional advice and history, the publication of content, including photos, morphological and physiological data, objectives, training performed, comments and other data with the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Community, the promotion of sports Clubs and the facilitation of the relationship between Members, as well as putting sports Coaches in touch with their clients (the “ User Content “). This means that other Users may search and view the User Content that you post on the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services, in accordance with this Privacy Policy and the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP General Terms of Use (“ GTU “)
  • This Personal Data Protection Policy applies to all Athlete Users, Coaches, Clubs, individuals, legal entities, and more generally to any other person who accesses the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services (the “ Users “, “ you “)
  • The use of the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services by the User implies the User’s consent to this Personal Data Protection Policy.
  • ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS attaches particular importance to respecting the privacy of Users and the confidentiality of their personal data, and thus undertakes to process data in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and in particular Law No. 78- 17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms (the “Data Protection Act”), and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (“GDPR”).

1. Purposes

The purpose of data processing is to make available to Users (Individuals or professionals, Athletes, Clubs and Coaches) by ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS, through its mobile applications (Android or Apple versions), the various free and paid functionalities dedicated to sports training, nutrition and the promotion of Clubs and Coaches gathered under the name “ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services”. The ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application also constitutes a social network allowing each User to publish to all or part of the other Users, all for part of his activity appearing on the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application.

The data processing allows ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS:

  • To provide Users with secure access to the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application allowing them to manage an Athlete and/or Club Profile (User Profile) and to log in to the various programs (sports training), directly on the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application
  • To monitor the sporting activity and the performance and nutrition of Users
  • To provide virtual badges according to the athlete’s sporting activity
  • To set up a social network allowing Users to exchange by public messages and comments
  • To locate the User in order to carry out a GPS Tracking of his sporting activity when he practices running, cycling or even Nordic walking for example
  • To inform Users about ONEWORLD SPORTS APP’s news, and in particular to offer products or services that may or may not be charged
  • To send by email proposals for services according to the objective mentioned by the user
  • To improve the services offered by ONEWORLD SPORTS APP.
  • To put a Coach or a Sports Club in touch with its Members and Supporters;
  • To promote the profile of a trainer to Users.

1.1. Legal basis

The legal basis for the processing of personal data varies according to their nature; some data are collected on a contractual legal basis. Others are collected to meet the legal safety requirement. Finally, some are collected by what you have given us your consent in this regard.

2. Processed data

Type of processing carried out : collection, recording, arrangement, storage, adaptation, modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by broadcast transmission or any other form of provision available, comparison or interconnection, blocking, erasure or destruction.

2.1. Categories of data processed

The data processed are on the one hand the User Content, i.e. the information that the User himself will add to access the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP services and when using the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP services (1) and on the other hand the information automatically recorded by the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application during the use of the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services (2).

  • Identification data of the user, customer or his representative as a natural person including user name (pseudonym that could be surname and/or first name) date of birth and gender (1)
  • Personal details such as email, phone, your country of residence, your city and postal code (1)
  • Your physical level (1)
  • Your objectives for using the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application (1)
  • The gym(s) in which you are registered (1)
  • ONEWORLD SPORTS APP service connection information (2): we collect connection information on ONEWORLD SPORTS APP applications, information relating to your use of this service via mobile applications, including in particular the indication of the version of the OS used, the version of the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application, the model of mobile device and its manufacturer are temporarily stored and exploited in order to solve the problems encountered by our users, improve the interface and the performance of the application and for the detection of malicious behavior (fraud, phishing, spam, etc.)
  • Geolocation information (2): we may collect information about your geographical location, if you give your consent for this
  • Photos sent by users (1)
  • Texts transmitted by users (including messages, publications and comments) (1)
  • Sports activity data (1 or 2)
  • Nutritional data (1) (including foods that the user does not want to eat)
  • Morphological data (1) 
  • Professional career, diplomas and prices of a Coach (1);
  • Full addresses of a sports Club as well as those of the sports halls where the Club practices its activities (1);
  • The name and activities offered by a Club (1);
  • Additional optional information (phone number, height, weight, profile picture, license number, record, jersey number, rank, position in the team) can also be entered by you, a Coach or an Administrator of your team. This information is not visible outside your space or that of your Club and is used only for management and internal communication with the team or the Club. You can modify or delete them at any time (1);

Under no circumstances may the User provide ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS with sensitive data and in particular data related to his health within the framework of the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services.

2.2. Data source

This information is collected from users of the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application.

2.3. Mandatory nature of data collection

The collection of data is mandatory if it is necessary for access to the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services and for the execution of the monitoring carried out by the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application. Collection is optional if it involves the consent of the users.

2.4. Automated decision making

The processing involves  automated decision-making , the underlying logic of which is as follows: offering customers and users free or paid goods or services and presenting advertisements visible from the application, the proposals and advertisements being based on the use made by users or customers of the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP mobile application and their personal data.

3. Persons concerned

The data processing concerns Users and Customer representatives, i.e. natural persons using the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application, whether for their personal use or in the context of their salaried or self-employed professional activity.

4. Data recipient

4.1. Categories of recipients

ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS undertakes not to transmit your personal data in any form whatsoever to third parties for a purpose that is not provided for by this Personal Data Protection Policy and that does not appear on the list of the following recipients:

  • Authorized employees and corporate officers of ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS
  • ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS’ service providers for the organization and execution of ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services
  • Other Users or Clients or Coaches
  • The Host for the sole purpose of executing the hosting contract
  • The possible successor of ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS, in the event of transmission by ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS to this successor of all or part of its business assets, including the activity of operating the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application
  • To any third party, upon an injunction from a court or an administrative or supervisory authority.

Any information or content (User Content or other) that you voluntarily disclose for publication on the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services becomes accessible to other Users.

4.2. Data transfers outside the EU

No data transfer outside the European Union is carried out, the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP platform is currently hosted in France at Ikoula in European data centers. In the future, this Hosting may also be carried out in whole or in part in Europe, the United States or Asia.

5. Collection of personal information regarding children

A user can only create an account on the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP applications if he is at least 18 years old. ONEWORLD SPORTS APP User Account may be shared with Parents Accounts. ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS may collect Personal Information about children who you are the legal tutor for the purposes stated above. In the event that children are legally authorized to provide their consent to such collection, you undertake to obtain such consent prior to providing any such Personal Information.

6. Data retention time

The data are kept for the entire duration of the Agreement between the customer or user on the one hand, and ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS on the other hand, and for a period of 5 years from the closure of ONEWORLD SPORTS APP’s accounts following the termination of the said Agreement. Beyond that, ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS will only keep electronic invoices for customers until the end of a period of 10 years from the end of the accounting period following the date of issue of the invoice.

7. Security

ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS constantly protects your information.

ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS implements all necessary security measures to protect your data against unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction.

These measures include the following:

  • Secure access to the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application via a customer/user account with password
  • Encryption of your data in order to guarantee its confidentiality in the context of transfers
  • Limit the collection of data to that which is strictly useful
  • No use of the data collected for purposes other than those for which they were collected
  • Keeping personal data for a limited and proportionate period of time
  • No transfer of these data to third parties other than those referred to above
  • Use of a digital data hosting provider (the “Host”) that has made reliable commitments to comply with personal data protection regulations, including the following:
    • Security of the Host’s network
    • Physical security of the facilities
    • Access rights control measures for the Host’s and its subcontractors’ employees;
    • Process for regularly testing and evaluating the effectiveness of the technical and organizational measures implemented by the Host
    • Personal data processing, solely for the purpose of the proper performance of the services (no other possible use)
    • No transfer of ONEWORLD SPORTS APP data outside countries recognised by the European Commission as having a sufficient level of protection
    • To inform the Data Controller of any use of subcontractors who may process his personal data
    • To implement high security standards in order to provide a high level of security for its services
    • To notify the Data Controller as soon as possible in the event of a breach of its data
    • The means to ensure the constant confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of the Processing systems and services
    • The means of restoring the availability of and access to the Data within appropriate time limits in the event of a physical or technical incident
    • A procedure to regularly test, analyse and evaluate the effectiveness of technical and organisational measures to ensure the security of the processing
  • Unless the User otherwise wishes expressed in the context of the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services, access to personal information is strictly reserved for ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS employees, corporate officers and subcontractors, who need to access it in order to process it on behalf of ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS. Any person having access to it is subject to strict confidentiality obligations and may be subject to disciplinary sanctions, including dismissal or termination of the service contract in the event of failure to comply with these obligations.

8. Your rights to your personal data

You can access and obtain a copy of your personal data, oppose the processing of this data, have them rectified or deleted. You also have a right to limit the processing of your data.

Each user can rectify or delete the data himself via the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP application.

You can find out more about the CNIL website and in particular via the following link:  Understanding your Data Privacy rights .

8.1. Exercise your rights

The ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS Data Protection Officer is your contact person for any request to exercise your rights on this processing.

8.2. Claim (complaint) with the CNIL

If, after contacting us, you consider that your rights on your data are not respected, you can send a complaint to the CNIL via the following link: complaint

9. Modifications to the Data Protection Policy

ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS reserves the right to modify or update this Privacy Policy at any time, provided that it remains in compliance with current privacy regulations.

In this event, ONEWORLD TECH SOLUTIONS will notify Users of these changes by e-mail and by message displayed on the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services before they take effect.

By continuing to use the ONEWORLD SPORTS APP Services after any modification of this Privacy Policy and having been informed of these modifications, you signify your acceptance of these modifications.